"I’ve been training with Jason for almost a year now and he has helped me become the healthiest I’ve ever been. My two biggest concerns going into training was my POTS and my hip (I had hip surgery). It was pretty hard to be active before because my hip would hurt a lot or I felt like I was going to faint. When I mentioned this to Jason he knew exactly what to do. We started by slowly getting my body used to my heart rate going up and then stopping when I felt like I was going to faint. Now I’m running miles and doing high intensity workouts without worrying about fainting. Every leg day we do at least one exercise to strengthen my hip and I haven’t had pain in a while. Not only has Jason helped me with working out he has also helped me with my diet and I’ve lost 28 pounds so far. I have never felt as amazing as I do now and it’s all because I started being active again, eating healthy, overall living a healthy lifestyle, and of course eating oats. Thank you Jason!!"
Jackie Wall
"Wow. Your advice helped me so much. My morning training session was amazing! I haven’t enjoyed a training session like that in forever. I have a whole new perspective on training now. You have really helped me and I can’t even wait to see where my vision on training takes me. My coach was shocked and I was blown away by how researching the benefits helped get me in the mood to train and switching it up was the best. Your advice is golden. Your advice has changed my life and it should be used to help others."
Rebekah Troy Fletcher
"Working out with Jason has not only helped with my physical but also mental health. He really makes sure you understand the workouts and why you're doing a particular exercise. Jason has great nutrition advice too! I started training with him a month and a half ago and have already lost 14 pounds! He is also super invested in each session, which is great for support. the best part about each workout is the fact that you can go at your own pace but he still instills discipline. Hands down the best trainer ever!
Ava Frye
"I’ve been a consistent gym member for over 30 years. It wasn’t until my gym closed due to COVID that I began working out with Jason at his private gym. I had tried personal training previously but have never had the results Jason has helped me achieve. He challenges me every time we work out but does so in a fun way which encourages me to reach new goals. He is extremely passionate about his craft and designs weekly intense circuit workouts for the whole body with a focus on areas that need the most attention. Specifically for me, he has alleviated severe lower back pain and improved my posture. At the same time, I have elevated my stamina, and as I tell him regularly after we work out, “you make me feel alive; you just took another year off my age”. His knowledge, attention to detail and encouragement differentiate him from other trainers. I will not be going back to the gym when it reopens. I found the secret sauce to the best possible workout!"
Ben Stern
"Jason has trained me online and has helped me achieve my health and fitness goals. He has guided me through workouts and diet plans so I could see the results I want to see. Here are a couple pictures. One is before I started working with him and the other is my current physique."
"I was taking medication for high cholesterol. I started following Jason on instagram and saw his posts about the benefits of eating oats. I incorporated oats and omega 3s into my daily diet along with Jason’s circuit workouts and within 30 days I was able to lower my cholesterol and go off of my medication. Keep posting bro! Love your combinations and mixes! Stuff I would have never thought to put together."
Jose Rodriguez
"I started working out with Jason and really enjoyed learning new exercises to help me get in shape. Also my back was hurting me for a long time but Jason has worked on it to help take the pain away by massaging it and performing exercises to improve my posture. We workout once a week and I can’t wait until that day!"
"I’ve been a close friend of Jason’s for years and I started working out with him consistently starting in April 2020. For the past 5 months, Jason has helped me transform my diet, exercise routine, and recovery schedule. Jason’s workouts have been tremendously helpful since COVID hit, and he’s always been responsive to any questions I’ve had regarding nutrition and fitness. Since April, Jason has helped me achieve my goals. My energy and quality of sleep have never been better."
Proud of Majid's 3 month transformation!
"When COVID hit it was hard for me to figure out what to do for exercise. Jason’s workout videos have helped me switch up my workouts and stay in shape during these times even with minimal equipment. Also my energy levels have increased because of his advice on nutrition and incorporating oats into my diet."
Galen Smuland
"That advice you gave me about how to fix my push-up in order to activate the muscles I am supposed to, made me realize that I need to do all of my exercises more slow and controlled. Every since I have started doing that I have seen crazy improvement. Thanks again, I really appreciate all the advice."
Chris Gillman
When covid struck I lost my active outlet, volleyball. I didn’t know what to do anymore, how to stay active. Throughout the prolonged lockdown I became very disoriented, which lead to me developing very unhealthy habits. I would binge eat to pass the time. Food kept me sane. It wasn’t a major concern of mine until I noticed my clothes fit too snug, my body was the heaviest its ever been and I knew I didn’t want to live my life full of insecurities and fear of judgement. I realized change was my only way out. Jason and I had gone to the same high school for sometime together. We were following each other on instagram and he had congratulated me on my first milestone in the course of my weight loss journey. That was when I learned Jason was a certified trainer. Since that private message Jason started working with me on achieving my goal weight. He would assist me with every little question I had with food and workouts. With his guidance I was capable of losing 30 pounds in six months. We started training virtually and once we both got vaccinated I had transition from the virtual world to his private gym twice a week. Jason makes training fun and you can tell this young man is passionate about what he does and works with each of his clients to fit their needs and wants. He is the most incredible trainer I’ve ever worked with. Pushes me and always reassures me he believes in me. I’ve never been so confident in this process until meeting Jason.
"When my gym closed down at the beginning of quarantine, I became very nervous about the fact that I no longer had a place to work out. As I was never a huge fan of at home, body weight workouts, I didn’t know where to start.
That’s when I found Fitness and Oats! Jason’s weekly workout posts helped me pick up right where I left off at the gym. His follow-along workouts are super easy to understand and always leave me feeling stronger by the end of the last set.
On top of this, I contacted Jason and discussed some diet tips and tricks. Food was never really something I put a lot of thought into and I always just ate whatever was around. Now, I can proudly say that I am a diehard “oats for breakfast” guy and I have no plans to stop now!"
Jake Feffer
Jason has been extraordinarily helpful in helping me achieve my fitness goals. He has a deep understanding of fitness as well as nutrition, and knows how to put together a detailed and concise plan that is guaranteed to get results. There’s so much information out there, Jason has helped me discover what works for me. I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ve never felt better. This is just the beginning!